Advantages and disadvantages of PVC windows – Pros and Cons?

Doubts between PVC windows and other options? Discover their advantages and disadvantages Make the best decision for your home!

✎ Autor:  Pau Segui

Advantages and Disadvantages of PVC Windows

PVC exterior carpentry has a consistent quality-price ratio. In fact, it is the best-selling material. And although the advantages of PVC windows are palpable, they also have drawbacks.

Do you want to know the pros and cons of PVC windows? We show you the disadvantages and drawbacks of this type of exterior carpentry, but you will also discover the benefits, which are many!

Advantages of PVC Windows

PVC, also known as polyvinyl chloride, is a versatile plastic material that has proven to be durable and insulating.

We have a long list of benefits of using PVC windows for exteriors.

advantages of pvc windows

1.- Provides good thermal insulation

PVC window profiles can achieve thicknesses with multiple air chambers that improve the thermal bridge of the windows.

They are an option to eliminate them and are considered good insulating windows.

PVC windows have a low thermal transmittance U-value (W/m2K) compared to aluminum or wood. The U-value measures a material’s ability to transmit heat. The lower the U-value, the better the thermal insulation it provides:

Types of profiles by material U Value (W/m2K)
Normal carpentry with RPT 2.80
Aluminum carpentry with quality RPT 1.70
Quality wood 2.00
Medium quality PVC carpentry 1.80
High quality PVC 1.30
PVC with thermofiber 0.96

The insulation of a window depends as much on the frame as on the glass used in the window. Remember that!

insulating and efficient windows

They are the most efficient windows if we compare PVC and aluminum. The use of heating will be significantly reduced while gaining comfort and well-being. But… What characteristics should I look for in a quality window?

What to look for in quality windows

2.- They improve energy savings

As they are windows that provide good insulation in the properties of the frame, energy losses are minimized, resulting in the corresponding economic savings.

If double glazing is also added to improve insulation, the savings on heating and air conditioning can be up to 60 – 65% compared to old windows.

la salud y niveles de ruido
Vía Proyectauno

Recordemos que el vidrio en el ventanal es parte muy importante tanto para el aislamiento térmico como del acústico:

tipos de cristales para tipologías de ventanas

4.- Alta hermeticidad y cerramiento estanco

La maleabilidad del PVC en su fabricación y extrusión proporcionan un cerramiento estanco de gran calidad. Máxima hermeticidad frente a las inclemencias del tiempo y agentes externos como el viento, la lluvia, el polvo, la contaminación…etc.

Además, las esquinas están soldadas térmicamente (no pegadas) otra de las características que las convierten en muy aislantes.

5.- Respeta el medio ambiente

Aunque el PVC es difícil de reciclar y no llega al nivel de reciclado del aluminio o no es un material natural como la madera, cuando evaluamos todo el proceso de fabricación y su reciclado, la diferencia se minimiza contundentemente.

reciclaje carpintería de pvc

Un estudio realizado por la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, designa que la ventana de PVC con un 30% de material reciclado, es la ventana a la que se le atribuye el menor consumo de energía y de emisión de CO2.  Ver gráfica siguiente:

comparación medio ambiente material ventanas PVC, aluminio y madera
Vía Kömmerling

¿Quieres decir que es un material sostenible? Ante la madera certificado, no, pero ante el aluminio las cosas cambian considerablemente. Es un punto a tener en cuenta sabiendo que los procesos de fabricación han cambiado mucho.

🟧 De interés ver el artículo sobre cómo hacer una máquina casera para reciclar plástico ¡y todo desde casa!

6.- Apenas precisan mantenimiento

Otra de las ventajas de los ventanales exteriores de PVC es que apenas necesitan mantenimiento, ya que resisten a la corrosión y la contaminación. Para limpiar las ventanas PVC basta con pasarles un paño con agua y jabón neutro.

Y para obtener un resultado aún mejor, existen productos de limpieza específicos en el mercado que las deja tan impecables como el primer día, que además sirven para la limpieza de persianas. Recuerda asesorarte y consultar al instalador oficial.

7.- They are installed almost without construction work

Although we must acknowledge that there is a varied catalog of types, most are compact – with or without a shutter box – and their installation is relatively simple. An example can be seen in the following video:

8.- They provide security

Among the pros and cons of PVC windows is the robustness of the profiles, combined with high-quality hardware that has numerous locking points, providing a secure and durable carpentry.

9.- It has good warranty and quality

This point depends heavily on the quality of the windows, and therefore, on the money to be spent. The market offers us countless possibilities, well-known window brands with good reviews can be Kommerling, FinStral, Schüco, Technal, Veka, Cortizo, Aluplast, etc.

You need to check the warranty of the profiles – sometimes it changes depending on the color – which usually ranges from 10 to 15 years, and in many cases, it depends on the installer. Advice: always certified installers and invoices upfront.

10.- Highly variable shape design

window shapes
Via Rehau

PVC is a moldable material that adapts to all shapes, sizes, and styles. We can find them in oval, square, semicircular arch shapes, custom-made profiles… etc.

PVC windows imitate wood very well by faithfully reproducing its texture

We also find a series of profiles that faithfully reproduce moldings, jambs, and other decorative elements. There is a wide range of colors and different finishes, for example, wood imitation, which is a positive option for PVC carpentry.

11.- They resist humidity

Ideal carpentry for areas with high humidity and coastal regions. PVC is a non-porous material, meaning it does not absorb moisture. This prevents the proliferation of fungi and bacteria, common in humid environments.

Unlike other materials such as low-quality iron or aluminum, PVC does not rust or corrode when in contact with moisture, improving its lifespan.

12.- Variety in color

Although many times the color of the windows is dictated by the aesthetic requirements of the facade according to the building, we can find a variety of colors, although not as much as with aluminum.

PVC window colors
Via Strugal

According to the color, we will have some benefits regarding the absorptivity of the frame for radiation (It is the fraction of the solar radiation incident on a surface that is absorbed by it. Absorptivity ranges from 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%)):

window color

For areas with quality climate, light-colored carpentry is recommended (white is perfect), and in cold areas, darker carpentry.

🟧 Note: Remember that for PVC and aluminum, bicolor windows can be made to match interior decoration styles, that is, one color on the outside and another on the inside.

13.- Competitive Price

On average, for the Spanish territory, a PVC window with “X” features will be cheaper than an aluminum window with similar characteristics.

And when we talk about wooden windows, the price is directly more expensive for the same technical characteristics.

While, the touch and appearance of a good natural wood advantage cannot be compared.

Disadvantages of PVC Windows

It is evident that there are some disadvantages of PVC windows compared to enclosures like aluminum or wood.

These are aspects that must be considered:

disadvantages and inconveniences of PVC windows

1.- Not as resistant to strong impacts

Although they are durable, PVC may not be as resistant as aluminum to strong impacts.

The aluminum window is actually 23 times more resistant than PVC

It is undeniable that we are not going to dedicate ourselves to hitting it, it is a fact that should be known (Elastic modulus of Aluminum = 70 x 10^6 Pa and Elastic modulus of PVC = 3 x 10^6 Pa).

2.- Limited color aesthetics

Although there are color options, they do not offer the same color palette that we can find in aluminum carpentry—up to 200!

colors aluminum windows
Via Strugal

3.- Restrictions on large sizes

For very large windows, PVC may need additional reinforcements to prevent deformation. This causes the profiles to increase in thickness and the light entry to be reduced.

4.- Less elegant aesthetic appearance

Although we increasingly have more refined finishes, some consumers prefer materials that don’t look so “plastic,” which can limit the aesthetics of certain designs.

disadvantages of PVC windows

Moreover, when it comes to “pure” and more elegant lines, aluminum is the king.

5.- Sensitive to extreme temperatures

PVC has a higher thermal expansion coefficient than aluminum.

As the temperature increases, PVC expands more than aluminum in proportion to its original size.

PVC yields to heat: its greater thermal expansion makes it more vulnerable to deformation.

This difference in expansion can have some implications on the operation or durability of the windows.

They can suffer small deformations if they are not properly reinforced.

Does that mean we can’t use PVC windows in extreme environments? Well, no, but we will have to buy higher quality windows whose price may not be as competitive.

6.- More care with cleaning products

PVC, being a plastic material, is more susceptible to aggressive chemicals.

These can damage its surface, discolor it, or even deform it.

Abrasive products or inappropriate cleaning tools can scratch the surface of PVC. Use warm water and neutral soap!

🟧 For your interest, see the article on photovoltaic solar windows—a rising trend!—to make the most of carpentry at 100%.

What is better to choose between PVC, Aluminum, or wood

With all three types of material, you can achieve very good quality and insulation, but obviously, you need to buy good windows.

We recommend the following as a minimum:

Window type Ideal application Highlighted Features
Triple glazing with wooden frames Exclusive homes High aesthetic quality, excellent insulation, but high cost and maintenance
Double glazing with aluminum frames with thermal break Main residences Good value for money, durable, good thermal insulation
Double glazing with PVC frames Primary and secondary residences Cheaper than the previous ones, no maintenance needed, good thermal insulation

🟧 Note: Aluminum windows always have to have “thermal break,” meaning there is an insulating barrier inside, which will normally be PVC.

In our opinion, wooden windows are the “top ten,” but their cost is high compared to PVC or aluminum for the same technical characteristics.

From here, you can try the following tool that recommends the type of carpentry (PVC – Aluminum) to use based on questions:

As a final point, we just want to emphasize that it is worth buying good exterior carpentry so that we have proper insulation and it lasts for years.

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Autor: Pau Segui

imagen del autor del artículo

BIO: Pau Seguí (Pablo) is founder and director of OVACEN, a digital newspaper. He has more than 18 years of experience in the field of architecture, decoration, construction, urban planning, efficiency, renewables and sustainability. He writes for Construccion21, Inmodiario, and many other publications in blogs and specialized portals.

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