How much sun and shade your house will have. Check before buying or renting!

Will your house get sunlight? Top maps to see where the sun or shade will fall on a building or house. Check before buying or renting a home! Easily see the movement of the Sun.

✎ Autor:  Pau Segui

Sun shadow path on house or building

The other day we published an article about tools for solar analysis and the position of the sun from a technical perspective. They are very good, but you have to be familiar with the architecture and engineering sector to handle them, that’s the reality!

From there, a user asked us a simple question… Is there something simpler to do a sun path analysis before buying or renting a home? See if the house will have sun or shade?

In response to the question, we have compiled four shadow map tools that are very easy to use and we can see how the movement of the sun affects a home.

1.- The Shadow Map

The online tool Shadow Map shows us in a very simple way with a map the path of the sun over any building worldwide, without having to register and for free. An example…

recorrido sol edificios casas
Via Shadow Map

We just have to search for a specific place on the map and indicate the date to recognize the shadows cast by the sun on a house. Additionally, we can vary the shadows cast according to the time of day, it’s great!

The easiest tool to simulate solar shadows worldwide at any time of day

We can access the online map from HERE and start seeing shadows. If we register for the free plan, we can see some additional features such as:

  • 3D terrain worldwide: mountains, valleys, and coasts.
  • 3D buildings worldwide: with high-quality data in selected cities.
  • Time adjustment with minute precision to see the sun’s trajectory.

And if we adopt a paid plan, in addition to seeing the sun’s path, we already have access to satellite maps, higher quality visualizations, solar vector, etc. We find it an excellent software and very easy to use.

2.- Sun path with ShadeMap

This is another online application to see the sun’s path online, similar to the previous one although less visual, but we can include buildings and change the date throughout the year.

trayectoria del sol mapa online
Sun Movement in Buildings – Via OVACEN – Shade Map

Be careful with the shadows of houses when the map is in 3D and with an inclination greater than 45º… the shadows disappear! We can access the ShadeMap tool from HERE.

3.- The Shadow Calculator tool

This online application to see how the sun’s rays produce shadow has a different approach, in this case, on the map. We draw a contour to which we insert a certain height, and it will provide us with the shadows according to date and time. An example…

trayectoria sol casas
Via Shadow Calculator

Here we can only see the position and cast shadow or its length, we will not observe how it affects the house or building. It can be a useful tool in certain cases, for example, if we want to buy a plot next to a chalet… How will the shadows of neighboring houses affect us?

We can enter Shadow Calculator from HERE. We still have another online application to see the solar path on a map – Google Earth!

4.- Google Earth Pro

Google Earth’s software is free, and although there is an online version, we are interested in the Pro version, which has also been free for some time and is downloaded to the computer. We just have to enter the official page from HERE (bottom of the screen) and download it.

When we have Google Earth on the computer, we can do many things, among them, we can see how sunlight affects a building. An example…

sombras edificios por la ruta de los rayos del sol
Shadow path in Google Earth

Note: By activating the sun, you will have the default shadow, plus the shadow cast by the sun according to the time of day. It’s a bit chaotic to see an online shadow map.

We can also create animations and see how light directly affects the facade of a building, if we stand at street level, although it is a bit disappointing.

The desktop version has multiple options, even looking at the inclination of a terrain, something like what we did in the article about how to analyze a plot to buy a house.

como mirar la topografía de un solar o terreno

It’s true that its definition is not so realistic when we zoom in a lot on the map, but enough to see the shadows on the buildings.

By the way, we have an article about how to create a personalized and minimalist map that is useful on many occasions.

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Autor: Pau Segui

imagen del autor del artículo

BIO: Pau Seguí (Pablo) is founder and director of OVACEN, a digital newspaper. He has more than 18 years of experience in the field of architecture, decoration, construction, urban planning, efficiency, renewables and sustainability. He writes for Construccion21, Inmodiario, and many other publications in blogs and specialized portals.

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