PVC or Aluminum Windows: Which to choose for your home and why?

Analysis and Comparison Between PVC and Aluminum Windows… Is There a Better Option?

✎ Autor:  Pau Segui

PVC windows or aluminum windows

When choosing an exterior carpentry for the house; PVC windows, aluminum or wood, if we compare and look on the internet, there are opinions for all tastes and many types of windows.

Each option of the different materials has characteristics worth looking at; energy efficiency, resistance, permeability, etc. But they all agree on one thing: efficient carpentry is a smart investment for the home!

Why are some windows better than others?

To choose between PVC and aluminum windows, at a minimum, you need to understand what elements are important in exterior carpentry. Look at the following image:

qualities pvc and aluminum windows

If we break down these characteristics, we mainly have:

  • Thermal insulation: The U value in a window measures the energy exchange between the interior and exterior of the home. The profile + glass + box (if it has one) is taken into account.
    • ➡️ The lower the U value, the more insulating the carpentry is.
insulating and efficient windows


Regarding the insulation of a window: The frame of the window is just as important as the glass we are going to put

🟧 Note: Remember that quality also lies in who supplies you with the carpentry, who installs it for you, and who provides you with after-sales service.

  • Acoustic insulation: Acoustic reduction (R) is measured in dB and is the window’s ability to reduce outside noise.
    • ➡️ The higher the R value > dB, the less noise will enter through the window.
  • Air permeability: Measures the amount of air that passes through a closed window. If a window has leaks, noise, dust, and cold or hot air will easily enter.
    • ➡️ The EN 1026 standard classifies them into 4 classes, the highest is “CLASS 4”.
  • Wind resistance: It is the pressure that a closed window is capable of withstanding. Good wind resistance means a more stable window, safe against blows and external aggressions.
    • ➡️ The EN 12210 standard classifies them into 5 classes, the highest is “CLASS 5”.
  • Solar factor: Solar control (designated with “g” and ranges between 0 and 1) indicates how much heat from the sun passes through the window glass (See article glazing in enclosures).
    • ➡️ If you live in a very sunny area, it is advisable to choose windows with a low solar factor to avoid overheating.
    • ➡️ If you live in an area with cold winters, it is advisable to have a slightly higher one to take advantage of the sun’s heat, but be careful in summer, you may need awnings.

What may be good for winter can be a real nightmare for summer, be careful!

  • Water tightness: It is the window’s ability to resist water penetration. With heavy rain, windows with low tightness can suffer leaks, water can enter the profile and damage the interior.
    • ➡️ Its classification ranges from class 1A to 9A, and subsequently special values (Assigned with “E xxx”).

These characteristics apply to both PVC and aluminum carpentry, so we can buy very efficient windows in both PVC and aluminum

But… How can I quickly look at these characteristics? With the energy label of the windows, you will easily identify it:

energy label of windows

The letter assigned at the top is the great reference. It determines the classification of energy efficiency (They are assigned from the highest A to G) for both aluminum and PVC material windows.

Comparison PVC windows vs aluminum windows

Here we have to go step by step to understand both the advantages and the differences between PVC exterior windows and aluminum ones.

First, and this is the most important for both materials, you have to buy quality if you want it to respond well and last 30 years, a good window is worth money!

quality is key for both materials. A good window lasts 30 years but is worth its price

Before continuing, you can try the following tool that recommends the type of carpentry to use according to questions:

1.- Cost

We have already mentioned earlier that for both materials we can achieve windows with high energy efficiency. But… Do they have the same price?

Let’s take an example. For a normal home, I would recommend at least these two types of windows:

  • Double glazing with aluminum frames with thermal break.
  • Double glazing with PVC frames.

Now we assume that technically they have the same technical characteristics on the energy label, in most cases, PVC windows will be cheaper.

As a general rule, PVC windows are cheaper because the “plastic” material in manufacturing costs is more economical than aluminum

Do you mean I always have to buy PVC because it’s cheaper? Well, NO, because there are other factors that also influence the choice between aluminum and PVC; the capabilities of the material itself, for aesthetics and finish, for resistance, etc.

2.- Thermal insulation

If we look at the energy efficiency of the material itself, that is, which material is more insulating. If we compare PVC, aluminum, or wood window profiles. We can see the following comparative table according to material:

which is the best window on the market
Via Veka and Leroymerlin

According to the data provided; aluminum windows are less insulating than polyvinyl chloride (PVC) due to the properties of the same material.

So… Do aluminum windows insulate less? Well, NO, because to solve this deficiency, the “thermal break” is used, that is, there is an insulating barrier inside, which will usually be PVC.

However, for the same budget to buy windows, you will have a PVC one that insulates more than an aluminum material one. But… Be careful! this doesn’t end here.

3.- Resistance and durability

We know that both materials are resistant, and we are not going to dedicate ourselves to hitting them, but you will not find PVC windows that are 40 years old and yes aluminum ones, it’s that simple!

In both cases, if we do not take care of the hardware and do not have adequate maintenance, between eight and ten years you will start to see some problems.

4.- Design and aesthetics

Although PVC windows are achieving much finer finishes and with less perception of “plastic”, here the king is aluminum.

Design and aesthetics characteristics Aluminum PVC
Material simulation finish (Example wood) ••• ••••• (Very good – with roughness)
More elegant and “fine” design in finishes ••••• •••
Versatility in shapes •••• •••••
Color range ••••• •••
Profile thickness Narrower Wider

PVC is a more moldable material than aluminum and adapts to all shapes. It faithfully reproduces moldings, jambs, and other decorative elements.

window shapes
Via Rehau

5.- Moisture resistance

The choice between PVC and aluminum windows often comes down to several factors, including moisture resistance where they present different characteristics in this aspect:

  • PVC windows: Excellent moisture resistance. PVC is a plastic material that naturally repels water, it does not rust or corrode.

PVC windows are a good option for humid and coastal areas

  • Aluminum windows: Although it is resistant to corrosion and can be used in humid environments, it requires additional treatments to ensure greater protection, which translates into an increase in cost.

🟧 Note: Of interest is the article on solutions for condensation moisture! effective techniques!

6.- Profile structure

Due to the resistant properties of the aluminum material itself, window frames are thinner. But also PVC has a higher coefficient of thermal expansion than aluminum.

comparison of pvc and aluminum profiles

Aluminum generally has greater tensile strength than PVC, that is, it deforms less. For large and heavy windows, tensile strength is crucial to ensure that it does not deform over time or under the weight of the glass.

As a general rule, for large windows, you should use windows with aluminum profiles

But can PVC be used in large windows? Well, yes, but it needs additional reinforcements to prevent deformations, increasing the cost of the same window.

7.- Cleaning and maintenance

Maintenance of both PVC and aluminum is minimal, but yes, you have to be consistent and practice it at least once a year.

Here the possible problem lies in using cleaning products that are not suitable. That is, PVC, being a plastic material, is more susceptible to harsh chemicals. These can damage its surface, discolor it, or even deform it.

🟧 Note: Of interest is the article on maintenance of blinds for the home and the one on cleaning blinds easily.

Summary table between aluminum and PVC windows

As we can see, both types of carpentry are good and quality options. The selling price is more of a factor than a quality factor, which is often difficult to gauge. In summary:

Window characteristic Aluminum PVC
Durability •••• •••
Resistance •••• ••••*
Versatility in design ••••• ••••
Thermal insulation ••••* ••••
Acoustic insulation •••• ••••
Security •••• ••••
Price ••••• ••••

🟧 Note: * Aluminum window with “thermal break”. * PVC window with structural reinforcement.

But… Are there advantages that combine PVC and aluminum? Well, directly yes. For example, the brand Kommerling has carpentry that is aluminum on the outside and PVD on the inside:

windows combine pvc and aluminum material
Via Alunext

When we should change the windows of our house and start that small renovation. The following guide will help us understand the state of deterioration of our exterior carpentry. (By clicking HERE, the following image is enlarged)

guide to change window
Via Finstral – The more intense the color, the more deteriorated the carpentry is. (Red is recommended to change it)

With a few simple steps we can recognize if the carpentry we have in the house is sufficiently airtight, if the glass really insulates, or if we are safe from thieves. According to the company specialized in PVC windows Alugalventanas, the four main advantages of changing windows are:

  • Poorly insulated and deteriorated windows can lose up to 35% of heating or air conditioning energy.
  • Airtight windows with double insulating glass improve acoustic insulation, reducing noise by half for every 10 decibels.
  • 80% of home burglaries occur through windows.
  • PVC and aluminum windows require low maintenance.

Technical documents used and regulations:

  • Technical guide pvc windows from here.
  • Glazing and glazed enclosures (IDAE) from here.
  • Guide to Efficient Windows and Solar Regulation and Control Systems (Community of Madrid) from here.
  • Technical Building Code – Basic Document (DB) documents from here.

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Autor: Pau Segui

imagen del autor del artículo

BIO: Pau Seguí (Pablo) is founder and director of OVACEN, a digital newspaper. He has more than 18 years of experience in the field of architecture, decoration, construction, urban planning, efficiency, renewables and sustainability. He writes for Construccion21, Inmodiario, and many other publications in blogs and specialized portals.

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