Power conversion

Instant calculations! Your math assistant for online power unit conversions quickly and simply.

Power Converter

From watts (W) to kilowatts (kW)


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The following online calculator is a tool to convert power units to another delivery value, for example, watts, kilowatts, horsepower, BTU/h, tons of refrigeration, etc.

How does the power unit calculator work?

The online power unit conversion calculator allows you to enter a value and select the destination unit. It will automatically provide the converted value based on the equivalence between both units.

  1. Selection of the source unit:
    • Select the input power unit.
  2. Enter the value to convert:
    • Enter the numerical value you want to convert.
  3. Selection of the destination unit:
    • Select the power unit to which you want to convert the value.
  4. Automatic conversion:
    • The calculator accurately converts power units.

The tool has no limitations on the number of conversions that can be performed, so you can use it whenever you want.

Examples of energy conversion calculations:

  • To convert 2 horsepower to kilowatts, we multiply 2 hp by the equivalence of 11 hp = 0.74570.7457 kW, obtaining 2×0.7457=1.492×0.7457=1.49 kW.
  • To transform power from 1,200 watts to BTU/h, we multiply 1,200 W by the equivalence of 11 W = 3.4123.412 BTU/h, obtaining 1,200×3.412=4,094.41,200×3.412=4,094.4 BTU/h.
  • Another example would be converting 5 kilowatts to calories per second, we multiply 5,000 W by the equivalence of 11 W = 0.2390.239 cal/s, obtaining 5,000×0.239=1,1955,000×0.239=1,195 cal/s.

What power units can I convert in this calculator?

In this online power unit converter you can convert the following values:

  • Watts (W)
  • Kilowatts (kW)
  • Megawatts (MW)
  • Gigawatts (GW)
  • Horsepower (HP)
  • Metric horsepower (CV/PS)
  • BTU per hour (BTU/h)
  • Kilocalories per hour (kcal/h)
  • Foot-pound force per second (ft⋅lbf/s)
  • Ton of refrigeration (TR)
  • Decibel-milliwatt (dBm)

Energy unit conversion table

We provide the following power unit equivalence table to quickly consult the possible conversions between different energy measures:

Power equivalences
Power unit Watts (W) Kilowatts (kW) Megawatts (MW) Horsepower (HP) BTU per hour (BTU/h)
Watt (W) 1 W 0.001 kW 1 × 10^-6 MW 0.00134102 HP 3.412 BTU/h
Kilowatt (kW) 1,000 W 1 kW 0.001 MW 1.34102 HP 3412 BTU/h
Megawatt (MW) 1,000,000 W 1,000 kW 1 MW 1,341.02 HP 3,412,000 BTU/h
Gigawatt (GW) 1,000,000,000 W 1,000,000 kW 1,000 MW 1,341,020 HP 3,412,000,000 BTU/h
Horsepower (HP) 745.7 W 0.7457 kW 0.0007457 MW 1 HP 2544.43 BTU/h
Metric horsepower (CV/PS) 735.5 W 0.7355 kW 0.0007355 MW 0.9863 HP 2506.43 BTU/h
BTU per hour (BTU/h) 0.293071 W 0.000293071 kW 2.93071 × 10^-7 MW 0.000393014 HP 1 BTU/h
Kilocalories per hour (kcal/h) 1.163 W 0.001163 kW 1.163 × 10^-6 MW 0.001559 HP 3.96832 BTU/h
Foot-pound force per second (ft⋅lbf/s) 1.35582 W 0.00135582 kW 1.35582 × 10^-6 MW 0.00181818 HP 4.62626 BTU/h
Ton of refrigeration (TR) 3,516.85 W 3.51685 kW 0.00351685 MW 4.71402 HP 12,000 BTU/h

🟧 If you have any other questions about transforming power measurements, you can contact us from the contact section in the footer.

Frequently asked questions about converting power units – FAQ

  • How do I convert watts to kilowatts?

To convert watts (W) to kilowatts (kW), divide the number of watts by 1000. For example, the calculation would be 5000 W / 1000 = 5 kW.

  • How do I convert horsepower (HP) to watts?

One horsepower (HP) is approximately equal to 745.7 watts. To convert HP to W, multiply the number of HP by 745.7. If we have 2 HP, it is 2 x 745.7 = 1491.4 W.

  • What is the formula to convert kilowatts to megawatts?

To convert kilowatts (kW) to megawatts (MW), divide the number of kilowatts by 1000. For example, 2000 kW is 2000 / 1000 = 2 MW.

  • How do you convert watts to BTU per hour?

One watt is approximately equal to 3.412 BTU/h. To convert watts to BTU/h, multiply the number of watts by 3.412. The calculation would be 1000 W is 1000 * 3.412 = 3412 BTU/h.

  • What is a watt and how does it relate to other power units?

A watt (W) is the basic unit of power in the International System of Units, representing 1 joule per second. It relates to other units as follows: 1 kW = 1000 W, or 1 MW = 1,000,000 W.

  • How do I convert amps to watts?

You need to know both the voltage (V) and the amperage (A). The formula is W = V * A. For example, if you have 120V and 5A, then the watts would be 120 x 5 = 600 W.

  • What is a kilowatt-hour (kWh) and how does it relate to watts?

A kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a unit of energy that represents the energy consumed by a 1 kW device for one hour. To convert watts to kWh, multiply the watts by the hours of use and then divide by 1000. For example, 1000 W for 5 hours is (1000 x 5) / 1000 = 5 kWh.

  • What is the difference between power and energy?

Power is the rate at which work is done or energy is consumed (measured in watts), while energy is the capacity to do work (measured in joules or kWh). Power is instantaneous, while energy accumulates over time.