Miles to kilometers converter

Instant conversions! Your online calculator always at hand to convert miles from kilometers (miles to km) easily or also convert miles/h to km/h.

Miles to km

Distance in kilometers (km):


1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers (km)

Do you want to see other calculation tools?

The calculator we present to you is a tool to convert miles to kilometers (mi to km). For the calculation, you just need to enter the distance in miles (mi) you want to convert. The conversion to kilometers is automatic.

Also, the application allows converting speed units; from Miles per hour (mph) to kilometers per hour (km/h).

How are miles to kilometers calculated?

To convert miles (mi) to kilometers (km), the formula is simple: 1 mile is equal to 1.60934 kilometers. If you have the distance in miles, you just need to multiply it by 1.60934 to get its value in kilometers.

For example:

  • To convert 20 miles for kilometers, we just need to multiply 20 mi x 1.60934 = 32.1868 km.
  • If we want to convert 50 mi to km, the calculation would be 50 mi x 1.60934 = 80.467 km.

Remember that the mile (mi) is a unit of length measurement mainly used in the imperial system, while the kilometer is part of the metric system, used in most countries.

In car speed, to convert miles per hour (mph) to kilometers per hour you multiply the value in miles per hour by 1.609. An example:

  • If you want to know how many kilometers per hour are 60 miles per hour, you do the following operation: 60 miles/hour x 1.609 km/mile = 96.54 km/hour.

In which countries is the mile used?

The countries where the mile is still the standard unit of measurement for distances, especially on roads and traffic signs, are mainly: United States, and in some contexts in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, etc. In reality, there are remnants in most countries that were British colonies.

Miles to kilometers conversion table

Below, we offer you a table with some already calculated values of mile to kilometer so you can consult them quickly:

Miles (mi) Kilometers (km)
1 mi 1.60934 km
2 mi 3.21868 km
3 mi 4.82802 km
4 mi 6.43736 km
5 mi 8.04670 km
6 mi 9.65604 km
7 mi 11.26538 km
8 mi 12.87472 km
9 mi 14.48406 km
10 mi 16.0934 km
15 mi 24.1401 km
20 mi 32.1868 km
25 mi 40.2335 km
30 mi 48.2802 km
35 mi 56.3269 km
40 mi 64.3736 km
45 mi 72.4203 km
50 mi 80.467 km
55 mi 88.5137 km
60 mi 96.5604 km
65 mi 104.6071 km
70 mi 112.6538 km
75 mi 120.7005 km
80 mi 128.7472 km
85 mi 136.7939 km
90 mi 144.8406 km
95 mi 152.8873 km
100 mi 160.934 km

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Frequently asked questions about converting miles to km – FAQ

How to convert miles to kilometers?

To convert from mile to km, you must multiply the number of miles by 1.60934. That is the equivalence between miles and kilometers.

How many kilometers are in a mile?

One mile is approximately equal to 1.60934 kilometers.

What is the formula to convert miles to kilometers?

The formula to convert from mi to km is simple: kilometers = miles × 1.60934.

What is the difference between land miles and nautical miles when converting to kilometers?

Land miles are 1.60934 km and are abbreviated as “mi”, while a nautical mile is approximately 1.852 km and is abbreviated as “nmi”.

How can I convert miles per hour (mph) to kilometers per hour (km/h)?

Multiply the speed in miles per hour by 1.60934 to get kilometers per hour, it’s simple!

Is the conversion of miles to kilometers more accurate in certain contexts, such as sports or aviation?

Yes, in aviation the nautical mile (1.852 km) is used, while in sports land miles (1.60934 km) are usually used.

Is there an online tool to convert miles to kilometers?

Yes, there are many online calculators that allow you to convert miles to km quickly.

How does the conversion of miles to kilometers affect maps and navigation distances?

In international navigation, nautical miles (nmi) are used, so you must take this difference into account to obtain accurate distances.

Which countries use miles instead of kilometers to measure distances?

The United States, the United Kingdom, and some other countries still use miles to measure land distances.

How to convert kilometers to miles?

Divide the kilometers by 1.60934 to get the equivalent in miles.

What is the historical origin of miles and kilometers as units of measurement?

The mile comes from ancient Rome, where “mille” meant a thousand steps. The kilometer is based on the metric system, which was established in France in the 18th century. The mile and km have always been related to history and lengths.