Meters to inches converter

Instant conversions! Your online calculator to easily convert m to inch (inches).

Meters to inches

Length in inches:


1 meter = 39.3701 inches (in)

Do you want to see other calculation tools?

The calculator we present to you is a tool to convert meters to inches. For the calculation, you just need to enter the length in meters (metre in the British form) you want to convert. The conversion to inches is automatic.

How are meters to inches calculated?

To convert meters (m) to inches (in), the formula is 1 meter is equal to 39.3701 inches. If you have the length in meters, you just need to multiply it by 39.3701 to get its value in inches.

For example:

  • If we want to change from meters to inches (m as in), and you have 1 meter, the tool automatically multiplies 1 m x 39.3701 = 39.3701 inches.
  • If we want to convert 0.70 meters to inches, the calculation would be 0.70 m x 39.3701 = 27.55906 inches.
  • If we want to convert 2 m to in (inches), the calculation would be 2 m x 39.3701 = 78.74016 inches.

Remember that the meter is a unit of length measurement used in the metric system, while the inch is part of the imperial system, mainly used in the United States and some other countries.

What is the quick conversion from meters to inches?

For quick conversion from meter and inch, remember that 1 meter is approximately 39.37 inches.

Conversion table from meters to inches

Below, we offer you a table with some pre-calculated values of meters to inches for quick reference:

Meters (m) Inches (in)
0.1 m 3.93701 in
0.2 m 7.87402 in
0.3 m 11.81102 in
0.4 m 15.74803 in
0.5 m 19.68504 in
0.6 m 23.62205 in
0.7 m 27.55906 in
0.8 m 31.49606 in
0.9 m 35.43307 in
1 m 39.37008 in
1.5 m 59.05512 in
2 m 78.74016 in
2.5 m 98.4252 in
3 m 118.11024 in
3.5 m 137.79528 in
4 m 157.48031 in
4.5 m 177.16535 in
5 m 196.85039 in

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How to convert meters to inches in Excel?

You can use the formula in Excel: = A1 * 39.3701, where A1 is the cell containing the value in meters.