Pounds to kilograms conversion

Instant conversions! Your online calculator always at hand to convert pound to kilograms (lbs to kg) easily.

lbs to kg

Weight in kg:


1 pound = 0.453592 kg

Do you want to see other calculation tools?

The previous calculator is a tool to convert pounds to kilograms (lbs to kg). For the calculation, we just need to add the mass in pounds that we want to transform. The conversion to kilograms is automatic.

How are pounds to kilos calculated?

To convert pounds (lbs) to kilograms (kg), the formula is simple: 1 pound is equal to 0.453592 kilograms. If you have the weight in pounds, simply multiply by 0.453592 to get its value in kilograms.

For example:

  • If we have 1 pound to kg it equals 1 lb = 0.453592 kg (Sometimes we can also see pounds to kg, which is lbs to kg)
  • With 5 pounds of weight it would be equal to 5 lb x 0.453592 = 2.26796 kg.
  • If you have about 10 pounds, multiply 10 lb x 0.453592 = 4.53592 kg.

Remember that the pound (lb) is a unit of mass used in the British imperial system (in daily life) and the United States.

In which countries is the pound used?

The pound is mainly used in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom (The metric system of kilograms is official, but it is very common in daily life to use pounds), and in some other countries that follow the imperial system, such as Liberia and Myanmar.

Is there any trick to convert pounds to kilograms?

The trick to convert lbs to kilogrmas is to round the conversion factor to 0.45 for a quick estimate.

Conversion table pounds to kilos

In the following table, we provide the values already calculated and converted from lb to kg quickly:

Pounds (lbs) Kilos (kg)
1 lb 0.45359 kg
5 lb 2.26796 kg
9 lb 4.08233 kg
13 lb 5.89670 kg
17 lb 7.71107 kg
21 lb 9.52544 kg
25 lb 11.33981 kg
29 lb 13.15418 kg
33 lb 14.96855 kg
37 lb 16.78292 kg
41 lb 18.59729 kg
45 lb 20.41166 kg
49 lb 22.22603 kg
53 lb 24.04040 kg
57 lb 25.85477 kg
61 lb 27.66914 kg
65 lb 29.48351 kg
69 lb 31.29788 kg
73 lb 33.11225 kg
77 lb 34.92662 kg
81 lb 36.74099 kg
85 lb 38.55536 kg
89 lb 40.36973 kg
93 lb 42.18410 kg
97 lb 43.99847 kg
100 lb 45.35920 kg
200 lb 90.71840 kg
300 lb 136.07760 kg
400 lb 181.43680 kg
500 lb 226.79600 kg
600 lb 272.15520 kg
700 lb 317.51440 kg
800 lb 362.87360 kg
900 lb 408.23280 kg
1000 lb 453.59200 kg

Although the main goal of this article is to convert pounds to kilos, it is also useful to know how to do the reverse conversion: convert kilograms to pounds. The formula is simple: multiply the number of kilograms by 2.20462 to get its value in pounds.

What is a pound sterling?

The pound sterling is the official currency of the United Kingdom and is represented by the symbol “£” (the pound for mass is represented by “lb”). Its code is GBP and it is one of the main international currencies.

Are there different types of pounds?

Yes, in addition to the pound sterling (£), there are other units of mass such as the avoirdupois pound and the troy pound, which were historically used in different contexts.

What is the origin of the word “pound”?

The word “pound” comes from the Latin “libra”, which means balance or scale. This is because scales were used in ancient times to weigh and determine the value of things.

Is the pound used in the metric system?

No, the pound is part of the imperial system. The metric system uses the kilogram (KG) as the base unit of mass.

What instruments are used to measure pounds?

Scales and balances, which can be configured to measure in pounds or kilograms, make it easier for us to convert from lbs to kg.

How is the pound symbol represented?

For mass, the symbol is “lb”. For the pound sterling, the symbol is “£”.