Instant conversions! Your online calculator to convert kilometers to miles (km to miles) easily or also convert Km/h to miles per hour.
Km to miles
Distance in miles:
1 kilometer = 0.621371 miles
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The calculator we present to you is a tool to convert kilometers to miles (Km to mi). For the calculation, you just need to enter the distance in kilometers you want to convert. The conversion to miles is automatic.
Also, the application allows converting speed units; from kilometers per hour (km/h) to miles per hour (mph).
How are kilometers to miles calculated?
To convert kilometers (km) to miles (mi), the formula is simple: 1 kilometer is equal to 0.621371 miles. If you have the distance in kilometers, you just need to multiply it by 0.621371 to get its value in miles.
Some examples of kilometre a mile conversión:
- To convert 10 kilometers to miles, we just need to multiply 10 km x 0.621371 = 6.21371 mi.
- If we want to convert 50 km to mi, the calculation would be 50 km x 0.621371 = 31.06855 mi.
Remember that the kilometer is a unit of length measurement used in the metric system, while the mile is part of the imperial system, mainly used in the United States and some other countries depending on contexts.
In car speed, to convert kilometers per hour to miles per hour, you must divide the value in kilometers per hour by 1.609. An example:
- If you want to know how many miles per hour are 100 kilometers per hour, you do the following operation: 100 km/hour / 1.609 km/mile = 62.14 mi/hour.
Kilometers to miles conversion table
Below, we offer you a table with some pre-calculated values of kilometer to mile so you can consult them quickly:
Kilometers (km) | Miles (mi) |
1 km | 0.62137 mi |
2 km | 1.24274 mi |
3 km | 1.86411 mi |
4 km | 2.48548 mi |
5 km | 3.10686 mi |
6 km | 3.72823 mi |
7 km | 4.34960 mi |
8 km | 4.97097 mi |
9 km | 5.59234 mi |
10 km | 6.21371 mi |
15 km | 9.32057 mi |
20 km | 12.42742 mi |
25 km | 15.53428 mi |
30 km | 18.64114 mi |
35 km | 21.74799 mi |
40 km | 24.85485 mi |
45 km | 27.96170 mi |
50 km | 31.06856 mi |
55 km | 34.17542 mi |
60 km | 37.28227 mi |
65 km | 40.38913 mi |
70 km | 43.49599 mi |
75 km | 46.60284 mi |
80 km | 49.70970 mi |
85 km | 52.81656 mi |
90 km | 55.92341 mi |
95 km | 59.03027 mi |
100 km | 62.13712 mi |
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