Kelvin to Celsius conversion

Very fast calculation! Your online conversion tool to easily convert from Kelvin in Celsius (K to °C).

Kelvin to Celsius

From Kelvin (K) to Celsius (°C)


°C = K – 273.15

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This digital calculator is designed to convert Kelvin to Celsius. To perform the calculation, just enter the temperature in Kelvin you want to convert. The conversion to Celsius will be done automatically.

The process to use the Kelvin to Celsius calculator would be:

  1. Select origin unit: By default, the calculator is already set to Kelvin degrees (K).
  2. Enter the value: Write the amount of Kelvin in the input field.
  3. Select the conversion unit: By default, the conversion is to Celsius (°C), but you can also select other temperature units if you wish.
  4. Get the result: The calculator will automatically show the converted value at the bottom.

How is the conversion from Kelvin to Celsius done?

The mathematical formula to convert Kelvin (K) to Celsius (°C) is: °C = K – 273.15. If you have a temperature in Kelvin, you just need to subtract 273.15 to get the degrees Celsius.

How to calculate the conversion from kelvin to celsius
How to calculate the conversion from kelvin to celsius – By OVACEN

If you have a temperature in Kelvin, you just need to subtract 273.15 to convert to degrees Celsius

For example:

  • To convert from 273.15 K to Celsius, we perform the following operation: 273.15K – 273.15 = 0°C.
  • The equivalence if we have 283.15 K in Celsius, simply in the calculation we subtract: 283.15K – 273.15 = 10°C.
  • If you want to convert 293.15 K in Celsius, the calculation would be: 293.15K – 273.15 = 20°C.

Remember that Kelvin is the unit of temperature in the International System of Units (SI) and is widely used in scientific and engineering applications.

🟧 Note: The Kelvin scale was established by William Thomson, known as Lord Kelvin. Unlike Celsius and Fahrenheit, Kelvin does not use the term “degrees” (°), only “Kelvin” (K).

Quick conversion table from Kelvin to Celsius

Now, we offer you a table with some values already converted from Kelvin to degrees Celsius (K to °C) so you can easily consult them:

Kelvin (K) Celsius (°C)
273.15K 0°C
278.15K 5°C
283.15K 10°C
288.15K 15°C
293.15K 20°C
298.15K 25°C
303.15K 30°C
308.15K 35°C
313.15K 40°C
318.15K 45°C
323.15K 50°C
328.15K 55°C
333.15K 60°C
338.15K 65°C
343.15K 70°C
348.15K 75°C
353.15K 80°C
358.15K 85°C
363.15K 90°C
368.15K 95°C
373.15K 100°C

🟧 If you have any other questions about the Kelvin to Celsius conversion calculator, you can contact us from the contact section in the footer.

Frequently asked questions about converting Kelvin to Celsius – FAQ

How do I convert from Kelvin to Celsius?

To convert Kelvin to Celsius, you just need to subtract 273.15 from the Kelvin value. For example, 300 K would be 300 – 273.15 = 26.85 °C.

What is the formula to convert Kelvin to Celsius?

The formula to convert from Kelvin to Celsius is: °C = K – 273.15. You simply subtract 273.15 from the temperature in Kelvin to get the temperature in Celsius.

Why do I have to subtract 273.15?

Because 0 Kelvin is absolute zero, which is equivalent to -273.15 °C, and subtracting that adjusts the scale to Celsius.

What is absolute zero mentioned with Kelvin?

It is the lowest possible temperature, where everything stops at the molecular level. It is 0 K or -273.15 °C.

Can I have negative temperatures on the Kelvin scale?

No, the Kelvin scale starts at absolute zero, which is the lowest possible temperature. Therefore, there are no negative temperatures in Kelvin.

Can I have a negative number in Celsius when converting from Kelvin?

Yes, if the value in Kelvin is less than 273.15, the result in Celsius will be negative. For example, 200 K would be 200 – 273.15 = -73.15 °C.

Why is the Kelvin scale used in science?

Kelvin is used in sciences like physics or chemistry because it is an absolute scale, without negatives, and is more precise for temperature measurement calculations.

How do I convert 500 K to Celsius?

Subtract 273.15 from 500. Thus, 500 K would be 500 – 273.15 = 226.85 °C.