Hectares to square meters m² conversion

Calculate hectares in meters instantly online! Your math assistant to calculate hectares to square meters () easily, you can even convert to other units.

Hectares to square meters (m²)

From Hectares (ha) to Square Meters (m²)


1 ha = 10,000 m²

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The online calculator we offer is a tool to convert hectares to m² (square meters). To perform the calculation, you just need to enter the value in hectares you want to transform. The conversion to square meters will be done automatically.

How to calculate hectares to square meters?

To convert from hectares (ha) to square meters (m²), the formula is: 1 hectare equals 10,000 square meters. If you have the value in hectares, you just need to multiply it by 10,000 to get the value in m².

calculation of hectares in square meters m²

For example:

  • To convert 1 hectare to m², we just need to multiply 1 ha x 10,000 = 10,000 m².
  • If we want to convert 2 hectares to m², the mathematical calculation would be 2 ha x 10,000 = 20,000 m².
  • To change from 5 ha to m², we multiply 5 ha x 10,000 = 50,000 m².
  • If we want to convert 10 hectares to m², the calculation would be 10 ha x 10,000 = 100,000 m².
  • To transform 20 hectares to m², we multiply 20 ha x 10,000 = 200,000 m².

Remember that the abbreviation for hectare is ha and it is a unit of surface measurement commonly used in the metric system, mainly in agriculture and land management.

Can the hectares to m² calculator also convert to other units?

Yes, optionally, the hectares to square meters calculator allows conversions from hectares to other surface units which are:

  • Convert from ha to Square kilometer (km²)
  • Convert from ha to Square meter (m²)
  • Convert from ha to Are (a)
  • Convert from ha to Square decimeter (dm²)
  • Convert from ha to Square centimeter (cm²)
  • Convert from ha to Square millimeter (mm²)
  • Convert from ha to Square mile (mi²)
  • Convert from ha to Acre (ac)
  • Convert from ha to Square yard (yd²)
  • Convert from ha to Square foot (ft²)
  • Convert from ha to Square inch (in²)
  • Convert from ha to Rood (ro)
  • Convert from ha to Square perch (p²)

Conversion table from hectares to square meters

We offer you a table with some pre-calculated values of hectare to square meters so you can consult them quickly:

Hectares (ha) Square meters (m²)
0.1 ha 1,000 m²
0.5 ha 5,000 m²
1 ha 10,000 m²
2 ha 20,000 m²
5 ha 50,000 m²
10 ha 100,000 m²
20 ha 200,000 m²
50 ha 500,000 m²
100 ha 1,000,000 m²
200 ha 2,000,000 m²
500 ha 5,000,000 m²
1,000 ha 10,000,000 m²

🟧 If you have any other questions about the conversion calculator of hectares to square meters, you can contact us from the contact section in the footer.

Frequently asked questions about calculating hectares – FAQ

What is a hectare and what is it used for?

A hectare is a unit of measurement for surface area in the metric system that equals 10,000 square meters (m²). It is widely used in agriculture or the real estate sector, to measure large plots and fields.

How can I convert hectares to square meters?

To convert from hectare to meter, you just need to multiply the number of hectares by 10,000. For example, 2 hectares would be 2 x 10,000 = 20,000 m².

How can I calculate hectares in square meters without a calculator?

You can perform the calculation manually by multiplying the value in hectares by 10,000 to get the result in m².

How to convert square meters to hectares?

To convert square meters to hectares, divide the number of square meters by 10,000. For example, if you have 50,000 square meters, divide 50,000 / 10,000 and you get 5 hectares.

Is a hectare the same as an acre?

No, it is not the same. One hectare is approximately 2.47 acres. So 1 ha is larger than an acre.

Can I calculate hectares with Google Maps?

Yes, if you select the option to measure areas in Google Maps, you can see the surface area in hectares or square meters.

How many football fields fit in a hectare?

It depends on the dimensions of the field, but roughly 1.4 standard football fields fit in a hectare.

How long is one side of a square plot of 1 hectare?

If it is a perfect square, each side measures 100 meters, because 100m × 100m=10,000 m².

Why are hectares so common in agriculture?

Because it is a practical unit for measuring large areas, such as fields or farms, and it is part of the metric system, which is the standard in almost the entire world.

Is there any difference between hectares and square kilometers?

Yes, 1 square kilometer equals 100 hectares. A square kilometer is a much larger unit.

Can I convert acres to hectares?

One acre is approximately 0.4047 hectares. So, if you have 2 acres, the mathematical calculations would be: 2 x 0.4047 = 0.8094 hectares.

How do I measure a hectare on an irregular plot?

For irregular plots, the easiest way is to divide the land into simple shapes; squares or rectangles, measure each part, and then add the areas. Then, divide that total sum by 10,000 to get the hectares.