Quick conversions! Your math calculator for converting grams to ounces (g to oz) easily.
Grams to Ounces
From grams (g) to ounces (oz)
1 g = 0.035274 oz
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The online calculator we offer is a tool to convert grams to ounces. To perform the calculation, you must select between grams (g) or troy grams, and then enter the amount in grams you want to transform. The conversion to ounces will be done automatically.
The process to use the grams to ounces calculator is as follows:
- Select the type of gram: Indicate if you want to convert to grams (g) or troy grams.
- Enter the value: Write the amount of grams in the input field.
- Select the conversion unit: By default, the conversion is to common ounces (oz), but you can also select other conversion units (troy ounces (ozt), milligrams, kilograms, etc.)
- Get the result: The calculator will automatically show the converted value at the bottom.
How are grams calculated in ounces?
To convert grams (g) to ounces (oz), the formula is as follows: 1 gram (g) is approximately equal to 0.035274 ounces.
You must be careful with the difference between the common gram (g) and the troy gram, especially when it comes to precious metals… How do the everyday gram and the troy gram differ?
- Common gram (avoirdupois): It is the gram used to measure the weight of everyday objects. Equivalent to 1 g = 0.035274 oz.
- Troy gram (also called gold gram): It is used to measure precious metals like gold and silver. Equivalent to 1 troy g = 0.0321507 ozt.
🟧 Note: Remember that the symbol for gram is “g” and for the troy gram symbol, no designation is used. The calculator also allows converting grams to gold ounces (Troy grams to troy ounces).
Some examples to calculate from grams to ounces:
- To convert 113.398 grams to ounces, divide 113.398 g by 28.3495 = 4 oz.
- If you want to convert 283.495 grams in ounces, the calculation would be 283.495 g / 28.3495 = 10 oz.
- To transform 566.99 grams to ounces, divide 566.99 g / 28.3495 = 20 oz.
- If you want to convert 1,555.175 grams of gold to troy ounces, the calculation would be 1,555.175 g / 31.1035 = 50 oz t.
- The equivalence of 3,110.35 troy grams in troy ounces is: 3,110.35 g / 31.1035 = 100 oz t.
The gram is the basic unit of mass in the International System, while the ounce is used in countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada, especially in fields like cooking, jewelry, and pharmacology.
Grams to common ounces conversion table
Below, we offer you a table with some pre-calculated values to convert grams to common ounces (g to oz) quickly:
Grams (g) | Ounces (oz) |
28.3495 g | 1 oz |
56.699 g | 2 oz |
85.0485 g | 3 oz |
113.398 g | 4 oz |
141.7475 g | 5 oz |
170.097 g | 6 oz |
198.4465 g | 7 oz |
226.796 g | 8 oz |
255.1455 g | 9 oz |
283.495 g | 10 oz |
566.99 g | 20 oz |
850.485 g | 30 oz |
1,133.98 g | 40 oz |
1,417.475 g | 50 oz |
1,700.97 g | 60 oz |
1,984.465 g | 70 oz |
2,267.96 g | 80 oz |
2,551.455 g | 90 oz |
2,834.95 g | 100 oz |
5,669.9 g | 200 oz |
8,504.85 g | 300 oz |
11,339.8 g | 400 oz |
14,174.75 g | 500 oz |
17,009.7 g | 600 oz |
19,844.65 g | 700 oz |
22,679.6 g | 800 oz |
25,514.55 g | 900 oz |
28,349.5 g | 1000 oz |
Troy grams to troy ounces conversion table
Below, we offer you a table with some pre-calculated values to convert troy grams to troy ounces (g to ozt) quickly:
Grams (g) | Troy ounces (oz t) |
31.1035 g | 1 oz t |
62.207 g | 2 oz t |
93.3105 g | 3 oz t |
124.414 g | 4 oz t |
155.5175 g | 5 oz t |
311.035 g | 10 oz t |
622.07 g | 20 oz t |
933.105 g | 30 oz t |
1,244.14 g | 40 oz t |
1,555.175 g | 50 oz t |
3,110.35 g | 100 oz t |
6,220.7 g | 200 oz t |
9,331.05 g | 300 oz t |
12,441.4 g | 400 oz t |
15,551.75 g | 500 oz t |
31,103.5 g | 1000 oz t |
🟧 If you have any other questions about the gram to ounce conversion calculator (g to oz), you can contact us from the contact section in the footer.
Frequently asked questions about converting grams to ounces – FAQ
How do I easily convert grams to ounces?
To convert grams to ounces, multiply the number of grams by 0.0353. For example, 50 grams x 0.0353 = 1.76 ounces.
How much is 1 gram in ounces?
One gram is equal to 0.0353 ounces. It’s a small amount since the ounce is much larger.
How much is 10 grams in ounces?
10 grams are about 0.35 ounces. Multiply 10 by 0.0353.
How much is 30 grams in ounces?
30 grams are approximately 1.06 ounces. Multiply 30 by 0.0353.
How much is 500 grams in ounces?
500 grams are about 17.64 ounces. Just multiply 500 by 0.0353.
What is the difference between ounces and grams?
Grams are a metric unit of mass, while ounces are from the imperial system. An ounce is larger than a gram: 1 ounce = 28.35 grams.
250 grams are how many ounces?
250 grams are approximately 8.82 ounces. Multiply 250 by 0.0353 to get the result.
Is there a formula to convert grams to ounces?
Yes, the formula is simple: ounces = grams × 0.0353. Use it with any amount of grams.
How many ounces are in 1 kilogram (1000 grams)?
One kilogram, or 1000 grams, is about 35.27 ounces. Multiply 1000 by 0.0353.
Why is the conversion from grams to ounces so odd?
It’s not odd, it just depends on the system you use. In metric countries, grams are used, but in places like the United States, ounces are more common, especially for cooking or small weights.
What is the difference between grams and troy ounces?
Grams are a universal metric unit, while troy ounces are specifically used for precious metals. A troy ounce weighs more than a regular ounce: 31.1035 grams versus 28.35 grams.
How do I convert grams to troy ounces?
Divide the number of grams by 31.1035. For example, 50 grams / 31.1035 = about 1.61 troy ounces.
Why use troy ounces instead of grams for gold?
Troy ounces come from a historical tradition in the trade of precious metals, and they are maintained because they are precise and globally standardized for that purpose.