Simple and fast calculation! Your conversion app to easily convert from Celsius to Kelvin (°C to K).
Celsius to Kelvin
From Celsius (°C) to Kelvin (K)
K = °C + 273.15
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This online calculator is designed to convert Celsius to Kelvin. To perform the operation, simply enter the temperature in Celsius that you want to convert. The conversion to Kelvin will be done automatically.
How to use the Celsius to Kelvin calculator?
- Select the origin unit: By default, the calculator is set to Celsius degrees (°C – centigrade degrees).
- Enter the value: Type the Celsius value in the input field.
- Select the conversion unit: The default conversion is to Kelvin (K), but other temperature units (Fahrenheit, Rankine, etc.) can also be selected.
- Get the result: The calculator will automatically display the converted value at the bottom.
How is the Celsius to Kelvin conversion performed?
The formula to convert Celsius (°C) to Kelvin (K) is: K = °C + 273.15. If you have a temperature in Celsius, simply add 273.15 to obtain the Kelvin value.
The conversion between Celsius and Kelvin is simply an addition or subtraction of 273.15.
For example:
- To convert 0°C to Kelvin, perform the following mathematical operation: 0°C + 273.15 = 273.15K.
- To convert 10 degrees Celsius to Kelvin, simply add: 10°C + 273.15 = 283.15K.
- For 20°C in Kelvin, the mathematical calculation would be: 20°C + 273.15 = 293.15K.
The abbreviation for Kelvin is “K” and it is widely used in science. It is special because 0 Kelvin is absolute zero, the lowest possible temperature.
🟧 Note: The Kelvin scale was established by William Thomson, known as Lord Kelvin. Unlike Celsius and Fahrenheit, Kelvin does not use the term “degrees” (°), only “Kelvin” (K).
Quick Celsius to Kelvin conversion table
Here is a table with some values already converted from Celsius to Kelvin (°C to K) for easy reference:
Celsius (°C) | Kelvin (K) |
0°C | 273.15K |
5°C | 278.15K |
10°C | 283.15K |
15°C | 288.15K |
20°C | 293.15K |
25°C | 298.15K |
30°C | 303.15K |
35°C | 308.15K |
40°C | 313.15K |
45°C | 318.15K |
50°C | 323.15K |
55°C | 328.15K |
60°C | 333.15K |
65°C | 338.15K |
70°C | 343.15K |
75°C | 348.15K |
80°C | 353.15K |
85°C | 358.15K |
90°C | 363.15K |
95°C | 368.15K |
100°C | 373.15K |
🟧 If you have any other questions about the Celsius to Kelvin conversion calculator, you can contact us through the contact section in the footer.
Frequently Asked Questions about Celsius to Kelvin conversion – FAQ
How to celsius to kelvin?
Add 273.15 to the Celsius value. For example, 25°C would be 25 + 273.15 = 298.15 K.
What is the formula to convert Celsius to Kelvin?
The formula to convert Celsius to Kelvin is: Kelvin = Celsius + 273.15.
Why do we add 273.15 to convert Celsius to Kelvin?
Because 0 Kelvin is absolute zero, equivalent to -273.15°C, so this constant is added to adjust the scale.
Is Celsius the same as Kelvin?
No, they are different scales. Celsius is based on the freezing (0°C) and boiling (100°C) points of water, while Kelvin is an absolute scale that starts at absolute zero.
Can Kelvin values be negative?
No, Kelvin is an absolute scale and does not have negative values; the minimum is 0 K.
How do I convert 100°C to Kelvin?
Add 273.15 to 100 degrees Celsius. Thus, 100°C would be 100 + 273.15 = 373.15 K.
What is absolute zero in Celsius and Kelvin?
Absolute zero is -273.15°C in the Celsius scale and 0 K in the Kelvin scale.
Is the Celsius to Kelvin conversion reversible?
Yes, to convert from Kelvin to Celsius, subtract 273.15. For example, 300 K would be 300 – 273.15 = 26.85°C.
Is Kelvin used in everyday life?
Not usually, as Kelvin is mainly used in science and research, while Celsius is more common in daily life.
What is the abbreviation for Kelvin?
The abbreviation for Kelvin is “K,” and it does not carry the degree (°) symbol.