Appliance electricity consumption calculator

Check instantly the electrical consumption of a household appliance! Check out our energy consumption calculator for appliances, very easy to use:

Power Consumption Calculator

Daily consumption

0.00 kW

0.00 €

Weekly consumption:

0.00 kW
0.00 €

Monthly consumption:

0.00 kW
0.00 €

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The previous online calculator is a tool to calculate the domestic energy consumption. The electrical consumption of a household appliance is obtained by simply entering the appliance’s power, usage time, and electricity cost.

Keep in mind that you can see the consumption of a wide variety of appliances: washing machine, electric oven, cooktop, refrigerator, dryer, etc.

How the appliance consumption calculator works

The electrical consumption calculator allows you to estimate the energy consumption of an appliance based on its power, daily usage time, and energy cost. The operation is:

  1. Select whether the appliance has an energy label or not.
  2. Enter the appliance’s power in watts (W) or change the unit if necessary.
  3. Indicate the daily usage time in hours and minutes.
  4. Specify the energy price in €/kWh.
  5. The system automatically calculates the daily consumption in kW and its cost in euros, as well as the weekly and monthly consumption.

🟧 Note: If we choose to use the energy label for the electrical consumption calculator of an appliance, we have the option to select three typology elements according to the energy label:

  • kWh / Year = Referring, for example, to a refrigerator
  • kWh / 1000h = Referring, for example, to a television
  • kWh / 100 cycles = Referring, for example, to a washing machine

To give you an idea of the average consumption of household appliances, we leave you the following infographic:

most energy-consuming household appliances

The online tool has no limitations on the use of calculations, so you can use it whenever you want. But… Do you want to know how to calculate the consumption of an appliance?

How to calculate the consumption of an appliance

To know how much an appliance consumes, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check the appliance’s label:
    • Most appliances have a label or plate indicating their energy consumption in watts (W). This information is usually on the back or side of the appliance.
  2. Determine the usage time:
    • Estimate how many hours a day you use the appliance. For example, a refrigerator runs all day (24 hours), while a washing machine may be used only a couple of hours a week.
  3. Calculate the daily consumption:
    • Multiply the consumption in watts by the number of hours you use the appliance per day. This will give you the daily consumption in watt-hours (Wh).
    • For example, if a lamp consumes 60W and you use it 3 hours a day, its daily consumption will be: 60W × 3 hours = 180Wh
  4. Convert to kilowatt-hours (kWh):
    • Divide the daily consumption in watt-hours by 1000 to get the consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh), which is the unit typically used by electric companies for billing.
    • In the previous example: 180Wh ÷ 1000 = 0.18kWh
  5. Calculate the monthly consumption:
    • Multiply the daily consumption in kWh by the number of days in the month to get the monthly consumption.
    • Following the example: 0.18kWh × 30 days = 5.4kWh/month
  6. Estimate the cost:
    • Multiply the monthly consumption in kWh by the price per kWh charged by your electric company to find out how much it costs to use that appliance per month.
    • If the kWh costs 0.20€, then: 5.4kWh × 0.20€/kWh = 1.08€/month

These steps will give you an approximate idea of the consumption and operating cost of your appliances.

🟧 If you have any other questions about the appliance electrical consumption calculator, you can contact us from the contact section in the footer.