App to count construction materials and warehouse inventory in 5 minutes

App for automatically counting quickly and easily with Artificial Intelligence. Construction materials, parts, objects, people… Anything you want!

✎ Autor:  Pau Segui

App to automate counts

Conducting an audit or a material inventory that we may have in the warehouse or on-site can become a very tedious task, especially if we are talking about small elements; PVC material, pipes, bricks, reinforcement, etc.

Do you want to count the construction or warehouse material in minutes? Well, there is an App to count the material in minutes, and calmly, it’s called Count Things.

For a small company in the construction and architecture sector, counting may not take too long, but for large construction companies and warehouses of significant dimensions, inventory control is a nightmare!

app count objects and pieces
Via Count Things

That combination of technology based on artificial intelligence and a good idea can save us many hours of effort. And here is where the App Count Things comes in, whose function is to automate the counting of pieces or whatever it may be.

It works by taking a photo with the mobile of what we want to count. We mark an area that we want to number with the existing pieces, and the Artificial Intelligence algorithm starts to recognize and count them.

A recognition of the material and automatic counting from photos as we see in the following image:

count objects app very easy

To obtain better results, as an option, the app to count objects from the mobile uses what they call “templates,” which are representative images of objects that the algorithm has previously analyzed.

templates for material counting
Via Count Things

In truth, the application has many features to help us work consistently, including a version for tablet and PC desktop with Windows. Some are:

  • Each counted element is marked in the resulting image, so we have clues about what is being counted.
  • The resulting images can be saved locally on the mobile device, in the cloud, or sent.
  • Include the data in a custom form with the count results. Integration with API.
  • Multiple ways to integrate the count into a workflow.
  • Integration into an inventory tracking system and report creation.

Another of the capabilities of the app Count Things from Photos is to connect to Google Maps to count houses according to the area we designate:

automatically count houses on google maps
Via Count Things

And an automatic count through videos is also offered for the tablet and desktop version. In this case, you need to contact them to evaluate the applicability of the software for the use case.

In reality, until now, the mobile apps intended for counting objects, people, or things were quite manual; based on “click” or button on the screen and we keep adding. And the others that counted based on the photo were directly a disappointment. An example of an app to count

app count inventory material
Example App to count – Application called 123 Counter

We see that it is not the typical counter app that has the screen button. The app to automate counts from Count Things is not new, but in its latest versions, it is already noticeable that the artificial intelligence algorithms being applied are much more accurate.

You can access the Count Things website from HERE to see everything it offers and what we can do with this software that will surely be useful for more than one user.

Everything has a “but,” and in this case, it is the price, which is directly paid! However, when creating a new account, you receive a 7-day free trial to count with any counting template, which is something!

As a note, of interest is the following article about AI for floor plan. There are some great tools!

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Autor: Pau Segui

imagen del autor del artículo

BIO: Pau Seguí (Pablo) is founder and director of OVACEN, a digital newspaper. He has more than 18 years of experience in the field of architecture, decoration, construction, urban planning, efficiency, renewables and sustainability. He writes for Construccion21, Inmodiario, and many other publications in blogs and specialized portals.

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