Square meters m² to hectares conversion

Instantly calculate! Your online math assistant to calculate square meters to hectares (m² to ha) easily, you can even convert to other units.

Square Meters m² to Hectares

From square meters (m²) to hectares (ha)


1 m² = 0.0001 ha

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The web calculator we show you is a tool to convert square meters to ha (hectares). To perform the calculation, you just need to enter the value in square meters you want to transform. The conversion to hectares will be done automatically.

How are square meters calculated to hectares?

To convert from square meters (m²) in hectares (ha), the formula is: 1 square meter is equal to 0.0001 hectares (10,000 square meters are equivalent to 1 hectare). If you have the value in square meters, you just need to divide it by 10,000 to get the value in ha.

How to calculate square meters to hectares
How to calculate square meters to hectares

Some calculation examples:

  • To convert 10,000 m² in ha, we just need to divide 10,000 ÷ 10,000 = 1 ha.
  • If we want to convert 50,000 m² to ha, the mathematical calculation would be 50,000 ÷ 10,000 = 5 ha.
  • To change 200,000 sq meters to hectares, we divide 200,000 ÷ 10,000 = 20 ha.
  • If we want to convert 500,000 square meters to hectares, the calculation would be 500,000 ÷ 10,000 = 50 ha.
  • To convert from 1,000,000 square meters to hectares, we divide 1,000,000 ÷ 10,000 = 100 ha.

Remember that the abbreviation for hectare is “ha” and it is a unit of surface measurement commonly used in the metric system, mainly in agriculture and land management.

Can the m² to hectares calculator also convert to other units?

Optionally, the square meters to hectares calculator allows conversions from square meters to other surface units such as:

  • Convert from m² to Square kilometer (km²)
  • Convert from m² to Hectare (ha)
  • Convert from m² to Are (a)
  • Convert from m² to Decare (da²)
  • Convert from m² to Square centimeter (cm²)
  • Convert from m² to Square millimeter (mm²)
  • Convert from m² to Square mile (mi²)
  • Convert from m² to Acre (ac)
  • Convert from m² to Square yard (yd²)
  • Convert from m² to Square foot (ft²)
  • Convert from m² to Square inch (in²)

Square meters to hectares conversion table

We offer you a table with some pre-calculated values to calculate square meters to hectares so you can consult them quickly:

Square meters (m²) Hectares (ha)
100 m² 0.01 ha
500 m² 0.05 ha
1,000 m² 0.1 ha
5,000 m² 0.5 ha
10,000 m² 1 ha
20,000 m² 2 ha
50,000 m² 5 ha
100,000 m² 10 ha
200,000 m² 20 ha
500,000 m² 50 ha
1,000,000 m² 100 ha
2,000,000 m² 200 ha
5,000,000 m² 500 ha
10,000,000 m² 1,000 ha

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