AI for floor plans: Create home layouts in minutes. Top Architecture!

New architectural software to make layout plans of buildings and houses very fast and optimized! Top Artificial Intelligence AI programs to be more productive.

✎ Autor:  Pau Segui

AI programs to create floor plans

Organizing and dividing the interior space of a house or building is not always easy. Even if you work in architecture or interior design and use technical drawing software, creating optimized floor plans with AI can still feel like a real headache!

There are a thousand details to consider, and there is always the question… Is this the best layout for the house? What if I move this wall in the room? Is the plan right?

Artificial intelligence to create house plans and designs is already here, and it does it fast!

Well now… we have a solution! Today, it’s time to see several software with artificial intelligence (AI) that in a very short time and in an easy way, offer us an ia to make house plans with optimal distributions…

1.- Maket AI

This artificial intelligence for drawing plans for free is literally great. Firstly because it is simple to use and secondly because of the options it presents.

If we focus on the AI to create house plans these are the main options:

ia para hacer y crear planos de casas, top herramienta arquitectura
Via Maket – OVACEN
  • Generate the floor plan with AI: Set the number of rooms and measurements, and the AI will take care of the rest.
  • Create drawing from scratch: We start with a blank canvas.
  • Load our floor plan: The software recognizes rooms and we work.

But there is more, for example we can switch from a 2D residential floor plan to a 3D one instantly. It also has tools to add, delete, move walls, doors, windows, add furniture, materials, etc. An example:

You can enter the Market AI tool from HERE and start editing or creating house layouts with a few simple clicks.

2.- Finch 3d Software

The objective of this AI drawing program is to optimize buildings. To distribute the houses and different rooms that we can have in a plant of the building by means of the generative design.

Through the use of scripts, simulations and generative tools, we can create optimal layouts according to our needs, but… it does much more!

  • It creates with AI optimized layouts of the building’s floors according to the given parameters, obtaining a near-perfect solution through the analysis performed with artificial intelligence.
  • It adjusts to the needs and demands required by the company or the client, as well as the established regulations.
  • Through regenerative design, it allows instantaneous changes in the distribution of surfaces and units. In addition to the analysis of the carbon footprint, simulation of natural light, etc.
programa crear planos edificios inteligencia artificial
Via Finch 3d
  • You can share the interactive 3D model with co-workers. It allows you to add comments and interact with drawings and design targets.
  • Once we already have the design perfected, it is saved in the library to be able to reuse it as needed.
  • It works together with other CAD drawing software, Revit for BIM, Rhino, Grasshopper, etc. Make changes and they will appear directly in the relevant tool. Uses bidirectional transmission of 3D data to Finch.
software arquitectura con IA
Via Finch 3d

Finch 3D software can be accessed from HERE. The company, based in Malmo, Sweden, has raised €2.5 million in funding to spearhead change in architectural firm workflows and is well on its way!

3.- Planner 5d

Of all the tools we present, this is the simplest and fastest to create a floor plan of a house. Although the platform is very easy to use and has pre-designs / templates to be able to work faster:

It is one of the most practical and useful software both for its simplicity in handling and the options it offers with IA.

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Via Planner 5D

THE process is very simple:

  1. We enter from the blueprint creator HERE.
  2. We choose a blank canvas, a pre-designed template, load a plan or the Smart Wizart with artificial intelligence.
  3. We adapt the plan to our needs. It has an extensive library of objects that we can use (doors, walls, windows, plants, furniture, etc).

As a note, this tool also incorporates the 3D view or to be able to share the drawing with whoever we want, it is very useful!

4.- The Planfinder application

This AI to design houses, more than a technical software, is an addon – plugin – that is incorporated to the Autodesk Revit program, to Rhinoceros 3D or Grasshopper, to make distributions in automatic format according to a determined contour, and it seems to do it quite well.

Based on the exterior contour of a building or a floor, marking the envelope constraints and the desired rooms. The application generates the layout plans automatically and you can choose between different options.

You can quickly adjust and explore the plans, as well as generate your own library and save the layouts that best fit your needs.

To be honest, the software is quite fast and easy to use. The plugin can be downloaded from the official website at Planfinder and we have thirty days to test it.

Remember that we recently published the article on how to create all the plans and 3D of a building in a very short time with artificial intelligence, crazy!

5.- Architechtures software

Of all the programs that we present to make plans with artificial intelligence, Architechtures is possibly the most powerful and with more features for the design of residential buildings by means of AI.

software arquitectura ia edificios
Via Architechtures

The software is in both Spanish and English, making it possible to generate highly customized designs in a few minutes following the criteria established in the plans, regulations or site and zoning criteria.

With an intuitive and easy-to-use user interface and a library of components, it is able to create cost estimates and 3D visualizations for architects to better understand the project and make technical decisions quickly.

Architechtures can be accessed from its official website HERE. We have fifteen days of trial to test this architectural software with AI.

6.- Hypar software

This new program is designed solely and exclusively to generate house layouts. We have tested it, and to be honest, it still has a long way to go, but the idea is good!

In a few words, we could say that they want to “democratize” the testing of the organization and division of the house, with access to everyone – without being technical -, simple to use and without the need for extra software.

programa crea distribuciones de viviendas
Application ia architectural plans

The idea of the application is to define the number and dimensions of the rooms in the house; bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, living room, laundry room, etc. And that artificial intelligence provides us with multiple possibilities to choose from.

We can access Hypar from their official website HERE. In a year they will surely have a wonderful tool.

7.- ArkDesign

This innovative AI software for architecture allows you to quickly optimize plans with reference to specific project requirements; from cost effectiveness, energy efficiency, space optimization, 3D rendering, etc. It’s… a Swiss Army Knife!

It also has library templates to quickly start a project from scratch and make life easier for the technician.

Of course, regenerative design is the basis of this program that breaks away from the traditional design that is still used in architectural and engineering offices.

ArkDesign can be accessed from the official website HERE. You can schedule a personalized demo with the developers.

8.- Laiout tool

Another innovative software for professional architectural projects is Laiout. They are just starting but it seems that the future is promising because of the possibilities offered by this generation of floor plans with AI. You simply have to:

  • 1.- Upload your floor plan and start generating options.
  • 2.- All possible floor plans are generated. In addition, we can modify according to our needs.
  • 3.- All the floor plans are regenerated according to previous adaptations.
  • 4.- Automatic incorporation of furniture.

The program can be consulted from the official website in Laiout. It is more focused on the professional sector.

9.- Spacio IA Application

The objective of this online application is to speed up the process of understanding whether a real estate development is viable or not. At this point, it uses generative artificial intelligence to create adaptive plans quickly.

Although it is a rather specialized and relatively expensive software compared to the others, it is another alternative that we should take into account. It can be accessed from the official website at Spacio.AI.

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Autor: Pau Segui

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BIO: Pau Seguí (Pablo) is founder and director of OVACEN, a digital newspaper. He has more than 18 years of experience in the field of architecture, decoration, construction, urban planning, efficiency, renewables and sustainability. He writes for Construccion21, Inmodiario, and many other publications in blogs and specialized portals.

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