The thin and super thermal insulating glass. Goodbye triple-glazed windows!

8mm super insulating glass! Discover how a Dutch startup is revolutionizing thermal and acoustic insulation in windows.

✎ Autor:  Pau Segui

The super thermal insulating glass

A Dutch startup is already marketing a thermal insulating glass only eight millimeters thick that offers the same level of insulation as triple-glazed glass with a chamber, used in the most efficient windows on the market. Impressive!

In exterior carpentry, we tend to focus more on the aluminum or PVC frame looking for good insulating qualities. But the window glass represents a very important factor.

insulating and efficient windows

The company FINEO applies a unique technology in the world for the manufacture of glazing that achieves really thin thicknesses with high performance in thermal and acoustic insulation.

In fact, with a thickness of only 7.7 mm, it is more than three times thinner than double glazing and almost six times thinner than triple glazing.

thermal and acoustic insulating glass
Comparison of FINEO thermal insulating glass

For the same insulation, with FINEO glass with a thickness of only 7.7 mm in a window, it is six times thinner than triple glazing

In reality, this seems like science fiction, because we go from a triple-glazed glass with a chamber that is about three fingers thick to less than one finger and a significant reduction in the weight of the window.

High-insulation windows incorporate low-emissivity layers and noble gas fillings (such as argon or krypton) in the space between the glass panes to significantly reduce heat transfer, both in winter and summer.

With this innovative new glass, the perspective is different. Although few specific details of the manufacturing system appear. It is mentioned that the production process is “unique” and involves a high degree of precision.

These insulating glasses are composed of two non-tempered glass panels at least 3 mm thick, separated by a vacuum of 0.1 mm and a subsequent hermetic sealing of the edges.

Moreover, the interesting thing about this innovative system is that it also has other technical features that make it stand out even more to achieve high comfort standards:

  • Exceptional thermal insulation: With a thermal insulation coefficient of 0.7 W/(m2.K), they are highly energy efficient. It offers performance equivalent to triple glazing.
  • Greater natural light transmission: Compared to triple glazing, it reaches 80%. It allows 15% more natural light to enter.
  • Acoustic insulation: The vacuum technology provides excellent acoustic insulation, between 35 and 36 dB, especially against street noise. With an additional 6-decibel reduction, it surpasses the performance of double or triple glazing.
  • Reduced thickness: With a thickness of only 7.7 mm, it is really thin. Due to the lower weight, its transport, movement of parts, installation, etc., is facilitated.
  • Solar factor (g): The certification shows values between 64% and 66%, meaning the lower this value, the less radiation the glass allows to pass through (Low-emissivity glass usually ranges between 0.5 and 0.7).

🟧 Note: The certified technical qualities of this glass can be seen in the European Assessment Document (EAD) specific to this type of product.

Undoubtedly, the thickness and its thermal comfort are important assets. In fact, they make special reference to using this type of glazing in the rehabilitation of historic buildings. Due to the possibility of replacing the single glass of the windows with more efficient ones, without altering the original appearance of the frames.

thermal and acoustic insulating glass for windows
Thermal and acoustic insulating glass via FINEO

Of course, it can be used in any type of project. In fact, they mention that hybrid double-glazed windows with a chamber can be assembled, that is, one normal and the other from the brand, achieving high thermal insulation, between 0.4 – 0.5 W/(m2.K).

But… What are the prices? Well, we don’t know directly, but with the capabilities of this type of glass, they won’t be cheap. If you want more information, you can access the official website from FINEO.

We find it a quite interesting technological innovation because it is a radical change in the traditional concept we have about glazing in the different types of windows.

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Autor: Pau Segui

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BIO: Pau Seguí (Pablo) is founder and director of OVACEN, a digital newspaper. He has more than 18 years of experience in the field of architecture, decoration, construction, urban planning, efficiency, renewables and sustainability. He writes for Construccion21, Inmodiario, and many other publications in blogs and specialized portals.

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