Magnetic Ceramic: The easy technique for installing tiles and flooring!

The easy way to lay tiles and flooring. Magnetic tiles promise dust-free building work and renovation!

✎ Autor:  Pau Segui

Magnetic ceramics

In the time it takes you to read this article, I could possibly tile half of your bathroom with magnetic ceramics without breaking a sweat. This statement may seem crazy to you, but looking at the features of these innovative magnetic tiles, I’m sure more than one worker would be capable!

The ceramics sector never stops innovating; new additives, new technology, more resistant and thinner tiles, however, the way of laying tiles has evolved little.

Imagine how you place the magnets you have on the fridge, well, magnetic ceramics are based on the same concept, but they need to be placed in order! And if you don’t believe it, watch the following video by Javier Guallar Rovira using the FAST FIX system from the company Perona Group …

It is difficult to find a product or technique capable of providing ceramic tiles with new features in their installation, and now, we may be facing a revolution.

What is magnetic ceramics?

The magnetic ceramics are ceramic tiles that have a ferromagnetic material on their back side for joining the pieces by magnetic fixation, without adhesive mortar, on a support capable of generating a magnetic field (magnet).

magnetic tiles for construction

In a tiling or for a flooring it’s like joining two magnets! On one hand, the ferromagnetic porcelain tiles and on the other, the base support. For example, plasterboard type panels (cardboard and plaster) that include a sheet with magnetic properties (Video later).

The goal of magnetic ceramics is to optimize the placement tasks in tiling and flooring

The question of the century… Does this new magnetic placement technology affect health? NO, the tests conducted confirm it! The magnetic field is limited exclusively to the point of union between the support and the ceramics, remaining confined to that area without external influence.

We are not talking about industrial magnetic fields. The material components are combinations of magnetite, ferrite, and other harmless minerals (See test table later).

What advantages does the method of placing magnetic tiles offer?

  • Drastic reduction in execution times. Both in wall tiling and possible flooring, the speed in placing the pieces on the floor is admirable. Labor costs are reduced compared to traditional techniques.
  • A simple assembly system without the need to be an expert to place the porcelain. No specialized labor is required.
  • Dry placement. Forget about dust, dirt and possible inconveniences caused by adhesive mortar. Also, if we don’t use mortar, the work becomes cheaper.
placement of magnetic tiles
Via Peronda Group
  • The same support serves for successive changes of designs and formats. We have the same base for infinite changes. For example, for hotels, which often renew aesthetics. An easy way to replace ceramics without damage.
  • Excellent in trade show and exhibition environments. It can become a great saving point and without complications, given the ease of assembly and disassembly.
  • Possibility of “technological” walls. There are magnetically powered sensors and, although nothing has yet been developed for this construction technique, the future is promising.

As we have seen, the installation of tiles by magnetic adhesion offers tangible advantages over the traditional system without the need for destructive operations for uninstallation, changing a piece, or replacing a complete wall.

Additionally, the possible pieces removed in a renovation can be reused elsewhere as they have no damage and maintain their functional characteristics. We will definitely add it to our list of innovative construction materials.

How is it installed?

We could say there are two branches in installation: for wall tiling and surface flooring. Each situation requires a technique and materials. Broadly speaking, we would have:

installation magnetic tiles

In the following video by Coloronda, we can see the methodology used…

As a variant to the previous techniques, it is also possible to work on the wall with magnetic sheet fixation in roll (Instead of using panels).

Magneto Tiles provide us with more information in this PDF manual. An interesting point of the document is the use of a magnetic foam sheet (covers surface irregularities) when the finish is irregular.

Note: In another different branch as a construction system is the magnetized ceramics. For example, the TILE MAGNET patent. The flat and metallic support (galvanized steel sheet attached to a plasterboard) will be the base for the magnetized tile itself.

What technical characteristics does magnetic ceramics have?

In manufacturing, the magnetic coating is applied to the back side of the previously fired ceramic tile. It is important that the pieces are manufactured with the least possible curvature, just as the base should be completely flat and smooth. Maximum contact between the magnetic sheet and the ceramic piece is needed.

The following test table belongs to magnetic ceramics of the Gravitec system, by the company Coloronda. We can see that the properties of durability, resistance, adhesion, are remarkable.

tests and technical properties magnetic tiles

Biological tests indicate an excellent resistance of the coating to biological agents, good behavior against eccentric vertical load of up to 102 kg or the non-existence of possible displacements of the tile when drilled.

If you want to expand information and delve into flooring, we recommend the article on natural stone floors for home and garden.

Where can I find more information?

It must be understood that to implement a new technology, time and many companies involved are needed. In Spain, and to have a general perspective of the evolution. Based on a patent:

  • We start with the Alfa de Oro Award at Cevisama which was awarded to COLORONDA S.L. for the development of a magnetic ferric enamel that revolutionizes assembly through Gravitec.
  • The company Magneto Tiles S.L for the application of the enamel.
  • The international Peronda Group S.A which is promoting the sale of this novel material through the Fast Fix Magnetic Wall system.

And many other companies that are adding value for this new technique to evolve in the broad field of architecture.

Can I now buy magnetic ceramics for a project? Directly YES, and for all those who are interested. You can ask directly to the company Peronda Group on their website.

Construction has always been traditional and quite resistant to significant changes, both in its way of working and in the acquisition of new technologies and materials, it’s normal to be cautious!, but if there is no change in mindset… What future awaits us?

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Autor: Pau Segui

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BIO: Pau Seguí (Pablo) is founder and director of OVACEN, a digital newspaper. He has more than 18 years of experience in the field of architecture, decoration, construction, urban planning, efficiency, renewables and sustainability. He writes for Construccion21, Inmodiario, and many other publications in blogs and specialized portals.

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